ΕΝ ΧΟΡΔΑΙΣ & ΟΡΓΑΝΟΙΣ {Η Μεγάλη του Μάρκου Σχολή} believes in the spreading of knowledge but also in a wider cultural networking, it therefore organizes seminars, educational workshops and lectures, with the participation of folk musicians, musicologists, historians, folklorists and other active members of the cultural ecosystem. In the summer of 2019 for the first time it organized folk and byzantine music seminars, aiming at the participants’ education on technical skills of their instrument, and its role at the orchestra. Seminars were conducted in three different places of Syros and 10 teachers transferred their knowledge and experience at 40 participants from all over Greece but also from abroad, through 6 different seminar categories. Goal of ΕΝ ΧΟΡΔΑΙΣ & ΟΡΓΑΝΟΙΣ {Η Μεγάλη του Μάρκου Σχολή} is to conduct seminars every year aiming to promote musical values and cultivate team and collective spirit.

In 2019, a room inside the organization’s offices was constructed in a special recording room. A studio fully equipped and laid out in such a way that it allows quality recording of songs and music not only by the teachers and students of ΕΝ ΧΟΡΔΑΙΣ & ΟΡΓΑΝΟΙΣ, but also by other musicians who want to record in a highly equipped studio.

Alongside ΕΝ ΧΟΡΔΑΙΣ & ΟΡΓΑΝΟΙΣ {Η Μεγάλη του Μάρκου Σχολή} created a Public Library with music content and folk, rebetiko and byzantine music books, which is already in operation, making the first step to the collection of material aiming at the creation of a digital library for rebetiko music.

Aiming at the spreading of folk, rebetiko and byzantine music the organization collaborates with other non-profit associations, cultural associations, the Municipality of Syros – Ermoupolis and other Municipalities of Greece, the South Aegean Region, Universities and Schools, for the conductions of music and cultural events. In it’s almost three years of operation ΕΝ ΧΟΡΔΑΙΣ & ΟΡΓΑΝΟΙΣ has participated in more than 28 events.

ΕΝ ΧΟΡΔΑΙΣ & ΟΡΓΑΝΟΙΣ promotes volunteering and solidarity. Participating in actions and events inspired by the values of volunteering, in its almost three years of operation, it has an ever-expanding network of 45 volunteers providing valuable support to the school on a regular basis. The daily scheduled operations of the Association amount to a total of over 1,200 man-hours per month. In these, the extra hours of its own human resources volunteer work must be added, too. Thus, the operational team of ΕΝ ΧΟΡΔΑΙΣ & ΟΡΓΑΝΟΙΣ implements a variety of activities, grouped in the following key areas:
- Highlighting and promoting Syros and our cultural heritage.
- Raising awareness through traditional festivities which are organized with the participation of locals (festivals of traditional dances in central squares, cultural events at the Market, schools, etc.), events that bring the local community closer and keep young people within an environment of culture and vivacity, promoting social cohesion.
- Support of vulnerable populations – such as the organization of a festivity for orphaned children of Nagorno Karabakh, Armenia, during their stay in Syros, as well as free teaching of vulnerable children and targeted visits, on a voluntary basis, to organizations in Syros that accommodate vulnerable populations in order to support guests through music.